November Stewardship - Feed The Hungry

Thank you to our 3rd Grade Class as they are hosting our November Stewardship Appeal:  Feed the Hungry Food Drive to benefit FAM and Serra's Pantry.  This class recently visited Serra's Pantry at the Mission Basilica to learn about the needs of the hungry in South Orange County.  They learned that the three most needed items locally include: Peanut Butter, Jelly, and Cereal as families can stretch these items into multiple meals.  They also learned that organizations like Family Assistance Ministry (FAM) and Serra's Pantry are very resourceful and work in collaboration with local grocery stores and other agencies to be resourceful and provide items such as produce and protein that might not otherwise be available. 


Our schoolwide food drive has begun and will continue through November 15th. Our 3rd grade is asking each learner to bring in at least one can (or more) to help support the hungry of South Orange County!  Let's all join together to support those in need and to make a real impact. Collection boxes will be stationed outside of each religion classroom grades Tykes/K-4th and for Middle School at each Advisory Leader’s room for their “HOUSE”.  Go Monarchs!  Go!  

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you made me welcome... Matthew 25:35